About the Non-Profits
Let's learn about the Non-Profits Performing Arts Group which is the breeding ground of Bengali culture.

Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts
The Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts was founded in 1993 in a basement. BIPA was founded by Annie Ferdous. BIPA's mission is to provide a cultural space Bengali immigrant while connecting Bengali music with western music. BIPA provides classes for a wide range of artwork such as instruments, specific dance classes, vocals, and art.
Along with holding small shows, BIPA also create day long shows. In the summer of 2021, BIPA held a show based on a famous poet names Kazi Nuzrul Islam which spaned over July 2021 and August 2021. It also held a 30th anniversary show this summer 2023.

Rabindra Academy
Rabindra Academy was founded this year in spring 2023 by Dr. Ruma Chowdhury. This organization's first show occurred in June 2023 where members each sang a song composed by another famous Bengali poet, Rabindranath Tagore.
Rabindra Academy's main purpose is more specific than BIPA, as it only focuses on one type of Bengali music: Rabindra Sangit. This genre is based on the works of Rabindranath Tagore. Even though this genre is their primary focus, this Academy also focus on other poet's work. In the future, Rabindra Acadmy is planning to do a show on the primary Bengali poets on the nation.

Shur Chondo
Sur Chondo was founded in 2004 but information about the founder was not found. Sur Chondo is composed on dance and vocal. This non-profit makes frequent apperance on tv.
Here are the great leaders of the non-profits: